Pragativahini Special
English is heart of the world- Few words with you (Part 3 (b) Past Continuous)
This is explaining that action was in the progress, in the past

This is explaining that action was in the progress, in the past

I confirmed that you got some ideas to prepare the new sentences. So, I reduced more examples. Try practice , what I have given the models.
Helping verbs are was and were.
Was = I,he,she,it.
Were = we,you,you,they.

(helping verbs are was /were)
Eg ;
I was breaking the stick.
I was listening music.
We were sitting in the class.
We were chanting the mantras.

You were keeping books in the shelf.
He was carrying her.
He was driving the car.
She was waiting for me.
She was travelling in a train.
It was quarreling with dog.
It was obeying the orders.
They were asking the questions.
They were engaging in chit chat.