InternationalPragativahini Special
*”We support India’s permanent presence in the Security Council”* – French Ambassador *Nicolas de Riviere*
This is a happiest news for Indians

Pragativahini News: This is a happiest news for Indians that, Many countries of the world have supported India for permanent membership of the security council in the UNO.
French Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere, British Ambassador Barbara Woodward emphasized that “France supports the permanent membership demands of Germany, Brazil, India and Japan”.
The President of America Jo biden and Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov supported to India to join as permanent member of United Nations Security Council.
In the same way Brazil, Germany, India and Japan – these countries are supporting each other for permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council.
Nowadays India has become one of the most powerful country in Asia continent also in the world. Its foot steps facing terrorism, health, protecting human rights, financial help to poor countries etc are the more considerable.