State level 25th ISTE faculty convention held at KLS GIT
The convention and FDP received an overwhelming response

Pragativahini News, Belagavi: 25th ISTE Karnataka State Level Faculty Convention and one-day faculty development Program on NEP, NAAC and NBA was successfully organized by the ISTE (Indian Society for Technical Education) Chapter, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi.
Dr. B. E. Rangaswamy, Registrar, VTU Belagavi and a national level Executive Council member of ISTE was the Chief Guest for the Inaugural function of the FDP. He touched on all important aspects from primary to higher education including technical to vocational education in India, while addressing the gathering. He especially stressed on a robust ERP system for documentation which will help in getting NAAC and NBA accreditation for the higher education institutes. He also focused on restoring the curriculum, teaching assessment, academic and administrative autonomy for helping on making the accreditation process easier and also aimed at international accreditations for the institutes.
Rajendra Belgaumkar, Chairman Governing Council (Engg) KLS GIT was the Guest of Honor for the Inaugural function. He appreciated the need for having an efficient Enterprise resource planning system and emphasized the fact that the role of faculty members is very important for the effective implementation of the NEP 2020.
The welcome address was delivered by Prof. D. A. Kulkarni I/c Principal KLS GIT.
Resource persons for the event were Dr. Vilas VijayaKarjinni, Former Vice-Chancellor of JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru. He delivered his talk on “Impact of NEP on Higher Educational Institutions” and Dr.Maharudra S. Patil, Dean Academics (Statutory) KLS GIT. He delivered his talk on “Implementation of OBE in Higher Educational Institutions”.
Sessions by Dr.Karjinni and Dr. M. S. Patil stressed on the new methodologies and paradigm shift in the teaching-learning process. stakeholder awareness of NEP, Accreditation bodies like NAAC and NBA, so the institutions have to develop in each sector of the overall functioning of the institution. Hands-on sessions on OBE and its implementation will help the participants to implement OBE in their institutes.
The convention and FDP received an overwhelming response from faculties from all across the state of Karnataka. More than 80 registrations were received and delegates from Belagavi, Bagalkot, Hubballi, Dharwad, Haliyal, Nippani, Chikodi, Gadag, Davangere, and even from Bengaluru participated.
Prof. Vaidya, the executive council member of ISTE Karnataka Section was also present as a representative from the section. Dr.AnupamaKallol, Secretary and Treasurer of ISTE Chapter KLS GIT introduced the chief guest and guest of honor. Dr.Sharda M Kori presented the report on the activities conducted by the ISTE Chapter, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology. Prof. AbhishekDeshmukh delivered the vote of thanks. Prof. VeenaBadiger was the compere of the function.
Conveners of the event were Dr.AnupamaKallol, Dr.Sharda M Kori, Dr.SmitaKabbur, Dr.JyotiJamnani, Dr.MadhusudanKalibhat, Prof. AbhishekDeshmukh, Prof. VeenaBadiger and Prof. N. V.Karekar.
*KLS GIT offered industrial electives with crientors technologies*