*CM Bommai promises all help from Govt for Agarbatti industry*
Agarbatti spreads aroma plus happiness

Pragativahini News, Bengaluru :
The State government is ready to extend all the cooperation for the agarbatti industry, said Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai.
Speaking after inaugurating AIAMA-2022 organised by All India Agarbatti Manufacturers Association here on Thursday, it will be more helpful if women are given more employment in the agarbatti industry. This has given jobs in rural areas.
The government is bringing a scheme of loan cum subsidy for those in traditional professions as this will strengthen the economy in the grassroots level.

He said the agarbatti industry has been spreading happiness along with aroma for the last 250 years. No other industry is like that of the agarbatti industry. Small happiness will give big celebrations. This industry has a big history and this is a science too. In Western countries, people are into the creation of artificial aroma. But India is a bio-diversity country and the aroma yielding products are available naturally. A person in his constituency is into the floriculture on 2,000 acres of land.
Large & Medium Scale Industries Minister Murgesh Nirani, AIAMA President Arjun Ranga and others were present.