Pragativahini News, Belagavi – It is a matter of great pride that Dr. Prabhakar Kore, Chancellor and Chairman, KLE Society has been conferred Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science by the Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA in recognition of his relentless efforts in furthering the cause of Education, Health-care and Research for the upliftment of the society.
Welcoming the dignitaries, Dr. V.A. Kothiwale, Registrar KAHER outlined the immense contributions of Dr Prabhakar Kore to KLE and the society as a whole. He also mentioned the immense contribution of Dr. Prabhakar Kore as a politician and as an entrepreneur.
Dr Vivek Saoji, Hon. Vice Chancellor, KAHER, in his prefatory remarks mentioned the contributions of Dr Kore in setting high standards in academic institutes like the J. N Medical College which is looked upon by most other private colleges as a model to emulate. He was high praise for the support that Dr Kore had given to KAHER during the process of NAAC accreditation and every difficult challenge that the University faced. He also mentioned that it was the vision of Dr Kore that has seen KLE reach heights and set standards in health care and education .
Dr.B.S.Kodkany, Former Director of Research at KAHER, in his congratulatory speech shared his memories of the first international collaboration of JNMC with the University of Illinois ,Chicago, USA which was amongst the first in the state and the impetus that Dr Kore’s vision gave to research on this region. He thanked Dr Kore for his support and wished him good luck in future endeavours.
Congratulating Dr Kore, Dr H.B.Rajashekhar Director, USM-KLE IMP shared memories of the formation of the J.N Medical College and the KLEs Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital which today is the life line of all patients in this entire region. He was high praise for the efforts of Dr Prabhakar Kore despite tremendous adversities. He appreciated the resolve and the character of Dr Kore which has transformed KLE into a leader in the diaspora of education.
Dr V.D Patil in his speech expressed great satisfaction working with Dr Kore. He praised him for his industrious and workaholic nature which made him a task master who got the best out of every situation.
Dr S S Goudar, Director Research at KAHER while congratulating Dr Kore described him as a true philanthropist who supported research at KAHER in every possible way which has resulted in the accolades today. KLE today is being recognized as one of the best centres for research thanks to the unending support of Dr Kore he said.
Mahantesh Koujalgi, President, KLE Society spoke on the occasion and acknowledged the significant contribution made by Dr.Kore to KLE Society and for the cause of education, health-care and research and making the KLE on the global map.
All the Members of the Board of Management of KLE Society and all the faculty members of the University were present on this occasion. Mahantesh Koujalagi, President, KLE Society, Dr. Vivek A.Saoji, Vice-Chancellor and Dr. V.A.Kothiwale, Registrar were on the dias.