Pragativahini Exclusive
*Lack of strong language skills – A note on mother tongue*
There are people who do not achieve perfection in any language

There are people who do not achieve perfection in any language

According to *Kannada poet Mahalingaranga* .
“Kannada language is like a peeled banana fruit and the sugar cane. It’s warm milk easy to drink.
Let’s speak Kannada. What is in Sanskrit?”
(Born in Uchchangi Durga, Chitradurga district, this poet is lived in 1675 AD.)
Who has not heard this? (Apart from the present generation) This is the Kannada love of an old Kannada poet. Is the price fixed? As well” *Sirigannadam gelge sirigannadam balge* ” is a mantra that awakens the mind to language as the elders say. Where is our Kannada going? While thinking about that, many things pass before the eyes.
Today it is seen that language skills are lacking in people. What kind of weight is given to expressive ability? A torch need to search. We are surrounded by people who are not perfect in any language. I don’t understand why? especially students, politicians, film artists, teaching staff are not able to speak clearly. They are facing language problem. causing confusion. Especially the language and styles used in the media today seem strange. Why is this happening? You have to think about it.
Some people said ” how good your language is! You speak Kannada so well, fast and without mistakes!” when I heard this, really shocked. Because we are Kannadigas, have we come to a situation, where we are praised for how we speak Kannada language? Isn’t it strange? My friends say ” If you somehow get into the hands of the visual media, you will definitely not be spared. A job is available. You shine there”. It makes me smile when I see people praising each other. And their ignorance makes wonder what to say?. Language pronunciation is very important. There stressing letters, expression, everything is taken into account.
Our education system is responsible for all these disturbances. Education, which does not envision perfection in any language, has kept people in a imperfect stage, in a semi-literate system. Especially in English medium schools (convent) there is no clear English language (English). All ungrammatical sentences are inverted. No one listens to Kannada. Everything is half done. In such a situation, how can students become masters in a language? With the use of semi-written language, it is like hitting the language world!
As seen in the visual media, the words are written in the language of spoken instead of the literary words. In the same way that pronunciation is done, it is put into writing form. You can see some examples. Due to the lack of space on the screen, the culture of going to blunt words like this, spoiling the taste of the word, its strength and dignity, is growing recently. It is also linguistically dangerous and causes lack of native language among people. So the writing should always be in the written language. It is called ‘literary language’.
Many writing errors are caused by our carelessness in writing. We never read them again. Once written, it is over. Do not read and correct it again. We have short of time. So, negligence is the cause of many of these mistakes. What else but a blow to the pure language? We are not ready to use punctuation marks. Our only goal is to write and complete. Government orders, papers, documents, print and visual medias texts, etc, we tolerate a lot of errors everywhere. No intention of correct it. Because of lack of time.
Language is a powerful medium to communicate feelings to others. A person who can use effectively and express his feelings, fluently, easily and beautifully. But if you look at today’s generation, you can see that all this is fading away and getting bored. Who is to blame? Who should handle this? That is a big problem.
There is a vast difference between the language used by people four decades ago and the language used today. Clear Kannada words disappear, words from different languages are added here and there, and it is transformed into different Kannada. There has been a give and take in language since the beginning. That’s right. If only Kannada words are less and other language words are filled more, how will our Kannada survive? Need to consider that. And this will become a serious problem in future. Everyone should also note this. The government, language experts, teachers, writers should look into it.
It does not mean that other languages should not be learned. There is nothing wrong in learning languages that will benefit them, for competition, opportunity and achievement at the global level. But mother tongue is important. It is our life Henceforth, the situation of conducting language workshops will arise. How to talk and pronounce ? What is its nature? No need to be surprised if the ‘Kannada language training center’ is started. As we have done English language learing centers!
For that, all the media that reach the people should give priority to use of clear, pure Kannada. The teaching staff should come forward to teach pure Kannada with grammar in schools and colleges. Government, councils, authorities, departments should give more emphasis. Business between us should be more in Kannada itself. A foreign language should be used only if necessary. If there is such a resolution, there will be no need of protection committees for the Kannada language. Kannadigas should wake up.