Gratitude towards parents, teachers and mentors is very important

Gratitude towards parents, teachers and mentors is very important -Chief Guest, Shri.Venkatesh Patil, Managing Director, Belgaum Oxygen Pvt. Ltd. Belagavi
Pragativahini News, Belagavi – The Inauguration ceremony ofADVAITH-23, two day Inter Colligate, National level fest was organized by the Department of MBA, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi on 7th July 2023.
Chief Guest, Shri.Venkatesh Patil, Managing Director, Belgaum Oxygen Pvt. Ltd. Belagavi said that events like this provide an opportunity for students to work on talent building, networking, polishing their team working abilities and management skills. He emphasized on the point that participating is more important than winning. He further added that as individuals we have to keep adding value to our life’s and society that we stay in.,Shri.Venkatesh Patilurged the students to develop morality and core values to be successful. He also said that it is important to acknowledge the efforts taken by parents to raise their children and displaying gratitude towards parents, teachers and mentors is very important.
Governing Council Chairman, KLS GIT Shri.RajendraBelgaumkarcongratulated the faculty and students of MBA@KLSGIT for organizing an event of such a magnitude where students get an opportunity to show their talent. He urged the students to learn by observation and benefit from collaborative learning. He said that management events like this provide scope to the students to boost their confidence and self-esteem, besides improving their sense of ownership at work.
Principal and Dean MBA Prof. Digambar Kulkarni in his welcome address said that managing time, finance, branding, publicity, human resource are the varied skills that one applies during conduct of fests of such nature. He also said that the entire event has been planned and managed by the students of the institute. He emphasized on learning life skills and urged the students to keep learning from every aspect of life.
Miss.SanjeeviniGurjar introduced the guests; Dr. Sanjeev Ingalgi proposed the vote of thanks
Miss. Shrishti,Miss.Mansi, Miss Prachi compeered.
*SFS interested to set up Rs.250 crore unit in Belagavi, seeks 30 acres land*
*SFS interested to set up Rs.250 crore unit in Belagavi, seeks 30 acres land*