English is heart of the world. Few words with you – Part 7 (c) Wh – questions with have/has
Very interesting to ask the questions to the people. Practice well and use properly

Very interesting to ask the questions to the people. Practice well and use properly

Now I have given ‘Have’ and ‘Has’.
It looks very easy but when you go to ask the questions, you will face difficulties. So, concept should be understood. Write two or three times and observe, carefully check it. You get content. I used same verbs and objects. They give different meanings according to Wh-questions. Now we go to see.
1) What?
What have I taken?
You have taken book.
What have we purchased in market?
We have purchased books and learning materials in market.
What have you done in the morning ?
I have done my work in the morning.
What have you seen in the forest ?
We have seen elephants in the forest.
What has he read in school ?
He has read English in the school. What has she washed in the evening?
She has washed clothes in the evening.
What have they written ?
They have written a letter.

Which have I taken?
You have taken book.
Which have we purchased in market?
We have purchased grammar books.
Which have you done?
I have done my home work.
Which animals have you seen in forest ?
We have seen elephants in the forest.
Which has he read in school ?
He has read English in the school.
Which has she washed?
She has washed shirts and pants.
Which have they written ?
They have written English.
3) When?
When have I taken?
You have taken book in this morning.
When have we purchased in market?
We have purchased books and learning materials in market in the evening.
When have you done?
I have done my work in the morning.
When have you seen elephants in the forest ?
We have seen elephants in the forest, in the morning.
When has he read in school ?
He has read English in school in free time.
When has she washed clothes?
She has washed clothes in the evening.
When have they written ?
They have written in the English period.
4) Where ?
Where have I taken?
You have taken book in the library.
Where have we purchased in the market?
We have purchased books in the market.
Where have you done your work?
I have done my work in school.
Where have you seen elephants?
We have seen elephants in the forest.
Where has he read English?
He has read English in the school.
Where has she washed clothes?
She has washed clothes in home.
Where have they written ?
They have written in the English period.
5) Why ?
Why have I taken?
You have taken book for reading.
Why have we purchased books in the market?
We have purchased books for studying.
Why have you done?
I have done for my parents.
Why have you seen elephants in forest ?
We have seen elephants in forest for knowing their life style.
Why has he read in school ?
He has read in school to become a doctor.
Why has she washed clothes?
She has washed clothes because they were dirty.
Why have they written?
They have written to send to them.

Who has taken book?
You have taken book.
Who have purchased in market?
We have purchased in market.
Who has done there?
I have done there.
Who has seen elephants in forest ?
We have seen elephants in forest
Who has read in school ?
He has read in school.
Who has washed clothes?
She has washed clothes.
Who has written English?
They have written English.
7) How?
How have I taken?
You have taken book with the help of teacher.
How have we purchased in market?
We have purchased books with my friends opinion.
How have you done?
I have done with them.
How have you seen in forest ?
We have seen with guards.
How has he read in school ?
He has a read English in school with friends.
How has she washed clothes?
She has washed clothes with liquids.
How have they written ?
They have written in group.