
 WHO approves Ninth Vaccine for Covid 19;  Vaccine tested in Belagavi

The vaccine is effective in 91 percent 

This is the ninth vaccine approved by the WHO for Covid 19

Pragativahini News, Belagavi – In what is a matter of pride for the entire country covovax , the Made in India vaccine has been given emergency authorization by the WHO.
The vaccine is effective in 91 percent  and is comparable with Pfizer and Modern vaccine available in USA. This is much better than any vaccine available in India today.
The vaccine is the first protein sub unit vaccine approved in the entire world for Covid 19. This vaccine will be a boon to the developing nations as it can be stored in normal fridge unlike the RNA vaccine and is just as effective.
The vaccine is being manufactured by the Serum Institute of India under license from Novovax America . KLEs Dr Prabhakar Kore Hospital Belagavi was one of the select sites round the country where this trial took place successfully with Dr Madhav Prabhu as the principle investigator. This is the ninth vaccine approved by the WHO for Covid 19.

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