Pragativahini News, Belagavi : The NMC Nodal Centre for Faculty Development Programme, Department of Medical Education, J N Medical College, Belagavi, under the auspices of National Medical Commission (NMC), New Delhi had organized three days’ Workshop on Medical Education was conducted for faculty of Medical College.
Dr.(Mrs) Niranjana Mahantantashetti, Principal, J.N.Medical College, Belagavi inaugurated the Workshop. Speaking on the occasion, she said, now the National Medical Commission is coming up with revised guidelines for training of medical faculty for competency based medical education. Dr. Deepti M Kadeangadi, Co-Convener welcomed the delegates. Dr. Roopa M Bellad, Convener explained the purpose of the Workshop. Dr. Nayana K Hashilkar, Co-Convener proposed vote of thanks.
Thirty faculty members from various Departments of J.N.Medical College, Belagavi attended the Workshop. Dr. Sunita Patil, Dr. Jyoti Nagamoti, Dr. Jayasheela Bagi, Dr. Roopa M Bellad, Dr. Deepti M Kadeangadi, Dr. Sheetal Harakuni, Dr. Nayana Hashilkar, Dr. S K Saidapur, Dr. Shilpa Bhimalli, Dr. Bhagyashri Hungund, Dr. Smita Sonoli were the Resource Persons for the Workshop.
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