Pragativahini News, Belagavi : All India NCC Trekking Expedition “BELGAUM TREK – 2022” is being conducted by NCC Group Belagavi under the aegis of NCC Directorate Karnataka and Goa with effect from 15 Dec 2022 to 22 Dec 2022.
Colonel K Srinivas, Group Commander, NCC Group Belagavi inaugurated the camp and motivated the Cadets. The camp was flagged off for the first Trek.16 Dec 2022.
510 Cadets and 15 Associate NCC Officers from 5 NCC Directorates from 07 States and two Union Territories including Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu & Pondichery, Kerala & Lakshadweep, Gujarat, Karnataka & Goa are participating in this trekking expedition.
Trek will be conducted in Basurte, Belgundi, Devarwadi, Hngaraga and Mahipalgad areas. The cadets will also visit the Commando Wing, MLIRC Centre and Rajhansghad Yellur Fort as part of educational tour. The camp will culminate with cultural event in which cadets from all Directorates will participate. The aim of the Camp is to promote National Integration, inculcate the spirit of adventure, develop endurance, team spirit and develop concern for ecological balance and ancient monuments.
Colonel S Darshan, Commanding Officer of 26 Karnataka Battalion NCC Wing Commander Deepak Balhra, Commanding Officer of 8 Karnataka Air Squadron NCC Belagavi and Lieutenant Colonel CB Nndakumar Administrative Officer of 25 Karnataka Battalion NCC Belagavi, Subedar Major Nilesh Desai and Staff of various NCC Units also walked with the young cadets as a morale booster.