Pragativahini News, Belagavi : The KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Deemed-to-be-University (KLE Deemed University), Belagavi had organized a formal function to observe National Constitution Day in the Academic Council Hall, Belagavi, as per the directions of the Government of India.
Dr. V.A. Kothiwale, Registrar, KAHER welcomed. Dr Alka Kale, Principal VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belagavi read the ‘Preamble of the Indian Constitution’. Dr. M.S. Ganachari, Deputy Registrar, KAHER, Belagavi administered the pledge of ‘Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens’ to the staff and students.
Dr. (Mrs) N. S. Mahanatashetti, Officiating Vice-Chancellor, KAHER, presided over the function. Speaking on the occasion, she said that this constitution of India is the biggest contribution and unique in the world. Everyone should abide by the rules of citizens and also the rights of citizens etc.
Dr. (Mrs) Ashwini Narasannavar, NSS Programme Co-ordinator, KAHER proposed vote of thanks.
Dr. Sayeed Killedar anchored the program. The program started with patriotic song sung by NSS volunteers from KAHER Institute of Physiotherapy and concluded with national anthem.
Principals, Vice-Principals, KAHER Officials, Faculty Members, Administrator, NSS Programme Officers and students of the University and its constituent units were present.
English is heart of the world – Few words with you (2.(d) Present Perfect Continuous)
English is heart of the world – Few words with you (2.(d) Present Perfect Continuous)