We used to see such scenes in the Hollywood movies which were mere fictions. Just 3 ago ago nobody in this world had though that an invisible virus would cause such a havoc in the world and change the life of humankind.
China the creator of the virus is sitting pretty. Even today most of the scientists believe that the COVID-19 virus is a man created virus with intention of using in the biological warfare. In other words, it is a biological weapon. But China vehemently denies it and even dismisses that it originated in China. The leakage of the virus from Wuhan laboratory in China in 2019 has changed the world. One would not have imagined that entire world will remain closed for several months. This lockdown concept was new to the world. Even in country like India which has the population of 130 billion the lockdown has become the part and parcel of the life.
Now new variant Omicron was detected in Bengaluru. But the fear has gone. 20 months ago, there was chaos when COVID positive cases were detected in every nook and corner of the country. Governments were in confusion. People were in panic. Administration and the medical infrastructure were on the verge of collapse. The COVID stories had become fairytales. But within one and half years everything has changed. There is no panic today. But the fear is there.
After second wave the life was returning to the normalcy. Business, tourism was picking up. GDP was going up. People were trying to come out of the bad memory of first and second waves the third wave is staring at us! Nobody including experts are aware what Omicron is? Everybody is watching Africa for the effect of Omicron. Despite all precaution the virus has entered India now. It takes no time for the virus to spread in this country because people are careless and population density is high compared to other countries.
Schools and college have been opened just a fortnight ago. If the virus found deadly and spreads quickly then again there will be closure of the schools and markets. People especially from the lower middle class and lower strata of the society will have to face the music of the new variant of the COVID virus.
It is very difficult to anticipate how the effect will be. During first wave there were cases of deaths by the lung infection and high fever. But the second wave which was much deadlier created lot of problem. The deficiency of the oxygen brought bad name to the government. Despite the fact that government of India has two indigenously developed vaccines and despite the repeated request by the health authorities to get vaccinated many people are still vaccine hesitant and they are posing threat to the society and themselves by becoming the carrier off the virus.
Now even the authorities have kept the fingers crossed. Nobody knows how Omicron will affect the patient. Let us hope for the best and pray for the good is the only thing which we can say!