
*Zika virus detected in a girl in, Raichur*;  *What is Zika virus?*  

The sample sent to Pune and now report is confirmed

Pragativahini News, Belagavi : In Raichur Zika virus was detected in a five years old girl. The sample sent to Pune and now report is confirmed. A positive report has come from the virology lab.  The district administration has kept a close watch on the girl who was infected with Zika virus.
Information about the pre-history of the girl who was diagnosed with Zika infection, but the information is not clearly available until now. District administration is trying to collect hard for it. Zika virus is spread by mosquitoes.  A team of doctors from the center immediately tested the infected girl and her family members.  Andhra, Telangana and other parts of the state where it has contact information is being collected.

 *What is Zika virus?*

 The Zika virus is transmitted by Edis Egypti, a tiny white mixed mosquito that can fly below the knee.  It spreads diseases like dengue and chikungunya.  The virus was first discovered in Uganda in 1947.
 Symptoms of Zika infection.
 High fever appears after this virus enters the body.  Common symptoms include red eyes, fever, sore throat, joint and muscle pain.  Headache, red spots also occur.  Jaundice-like symptoms may appear in the patient.  This is not most dangerous. But immediately consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

 *Remedial measures*

 Its spread is mostly during rainy season.  Edis Egypti mosquitoes live in clean and pure water.  So, care should be taken to ensure that clean rain does not accumulate anywhere in front of the house, on the sides.  Broken plastic materials, coconut shell, pots etc. are likely to get rainwater stagnant.  Water storage containers should be covered.

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